WATCH: "You could tell UMNO was scoping out the trouble aspects of it."

But eventually the ANWAR loses  patience with  UMNO.

Saturday 26 March 2011

RosmaH Sexiest Woman Alive with Sexy Photos of SeX Partners Rival Tycoons Zhen Low and Deepak the Carpetman Here are some pictures of ROSMA topless on a yacht

Here are some pictures of ROSMA topless on a yacht off St. Tropez. How dare the photographer take nude pictures of her without permission and then display for all to see. This is a violation of her privacy I say! LOL... Justing kidding. And yes she is wearing heels. No bikini top in sight but she is in her high heels. She shows off her curvy figure for the paparazzi again. Her curvier-than-usual figure is sparking rumors she recently had a boob job. Rosma was also seen partying it up in St. Tropez, France with Malaysian mystery businessman man  Deepak the Carpetman Okay, I am not sure which one Rosma is dating or if in fact she is really dating one but British tabloids refer to a DEEPAK as ROSMA's "new fella, chubby Malaysian Playboy." ROSMA's new  boyfriend is Taek Jho Low or Zhen Low I don't know but she seem to be getting really friendly with the "chubby" one. And they say Zhen Low was spending millions of dollars on bottles of the club's most expensive champagne for Paris and her drinking buddies. So I am assuming the "chubby" guy is Zhen Low but it might be Taek Jho Low.

The company is called Carpet Raya Sdn Bhd (company number 492434-H). The paid up capital of the company is RM8.7 million. The company has five directors who are also the shareholders of the company; each holding almost equal shares in the company.
But I am interested in only one of its shareholders/directors who goes by the name of Deepak -- 37 years old, unmarried, and good-looking enough to qualify for a Bollywood movie.
The company was registered ten years ago on 26 August 1999. The last accounts filed with the Registrar of Companies on 24 November 2006 shows that the company has total assets of almost RM90 million, total liabilities of about RM67 million, and reserves of more than RM12 million.
The revenue of the company for 2005 was RM122 million and the profit in excess of RM7 million. Of course, the RM7 million profit is the official or declared profit. No company in Malaysia declares its real profits anyway. So, on a revenue base of RM122 million, you can expect the real or undeclared profit to be many times that.
But that was the accounts for 2005, which was four years ago. How much more has the company made over the last four years, which they prefer to keep hidden from public view? Take my word for it. We are talking about hundreds of millions here.
The company is supposed to be in the business of selling carpets. Is the carpet business really that lucrative that one can earn hundreds of millions? RM122 million a year is sure a lot of carpets. Ah, but that is not really what the company does for a living. The carpet business is just a front. Sure, they do sell carpets. But that is not where the real money is. The real business of the company is to act as the Bagman for Rosmah Mansor, the wife of the Prime Minister.
I met the Carpetman more than a year ago. He asked to meet through a mutual acquaintance because he was alarmed that I was about to reveal that the Carpetman is actually Rosmah’s Bagman. But that was not the thing that got him all flustered. What did was the revelation I was going to make that he is not only the Carpetman who is Rosmah’s Bagman but that he is also her Toyboy.
I only do business with Rosmah, said the Carpetman. My relationship with Rosmah is only for business purposes. I am not sleeping with Rosmah, he pleaded. So please do not tell the public that I am Rosmah’s Toyboy. The impression he wanted to make is that his relationship with Rosmah is confined to the boardroom and does not extend to the bedroom.
Well, that is not what Mumtaz Jaafar says. And who is Mumtaz Jaafar? Hey, if I start talking about her then I would also have to mention her relationship with Saiful, the person who alleges that Anwar Ibrahim sodomised him. And if I start talking about that then we will end up talking about the Sodomy 2 case as well. So let’s get back to the subject of the Carpetman, Rosmah’s Bagman cum Toyboy.
The whole country is very focused on Najib Tun Razak’s extramarital affairs. Sure, every Malaysian knows about this. And every Malaysian also knows about him getting caught in a Port Dickson hotel room with Ziana Zain. In fact, Isa Samad even had photographs of Najib clad only in a towel with the delicious young thing in his bed. And Isa handed the photograph over to the then Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. (And that is why Mahathir just does not understand why Najib would choose Isa to contest the Bagan Pinang by-election when it was Isa who tried to bring Najib down with the photograph).
Anyway, let’s not digress too far. As I said, every Malaysian knows about Najib’s extramarital affairs. But how many also know that Rosmah has a penchant for Bollywood types. Hell, she will even arrange datukships for them if they treat her the way she loves to be treated, if you know what I mean. And this particular chap I am talking about, the Carpetman cum Bagman cum Toyboy, is far better looking than Shahrukh Khan (or is it Datuk Shahrukh Khan now?) -- not to mention younger as well.
Yes, I have been keeping this story under wraps for more than a year now. But it is now time that the story be told. There is more, though. Deepak the Carpetman cum Bagman cum Toyboy has been very naughty. And all these naughty deeds were done on behalf of Rosmah.
In due course more will be revealed about the role of the Carpetman and how he has served Rosmah. Today is not the time to do that though. So stay tuned for further episodes of the Carpetman cum Bagman cum Toyboy of the so-called First Lady of Malaysia.

Here are some pictures of Paris Hilton topless on a yacht off St. Tropez. How dare the photographer take nude pictures of her without permission and then display for all to see. This is a violation of her privacy I say! LOL... Justing kidding. And yes she is wearing heels. No bikini top in sight but she is in her high heels. She shows off her curvy figure for the paparazzi again. Her curvier-than-usual figure is sparking rumors she recently had a boob job. Paris Hilton was also seen partying it up in St. Tropez, France with Malaysian mystery businessman man Jho Low (Taek Jho Low a.k.a. Low Taek Jho, son of property developer and businessman Danny Low) and his brother Zhen Low (Low Taek Sin). Okay, I am not sure which one Paris is dating or if in fact she is really dating one but British tabloids refer to a Low as Hilton's "new fella, chubby Malaysian Playboy." Paris Hilton's new boyfriend is Taek Jho Low or Zhen Low I don't know but she seem to be getting really friendly with the "chubby" one. And they say Zhen Low was spending millions of dollars on bottles of the club's most expensive champagne for Paris and her drinking buddies. So I am assuming the "chubby" guy is Zhen Low but it might be Taek Jho Low.

Either way, a Malaysian dude might be banging Paris. Reportedly, Zhen Low spent €2 million (£1.8 million) on the bubbly at the exclusive Byblos nightclub and then at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Where last week Paris helped run up the most expensive bar bill ever! At least the most expensive celebrity bar bill in France's St Tropez. So Zhen is really trying to impress Paris thus Malaysia maybe getting a new strain of herpes very soon. Maybe he was competing with her ex-boyfriend Doug Reinhardt on who could splash the most cash on booze because the ex was there in St. Tropez too. According to club goers Doug tried to compete with Low by buying four gigantic bottles of Crystal but that was no match for the Malaysian businessman who then went onto buying almost all the club's entire supply of the bubbly. That is when billionaire Winston Fisher join in on the competition to see who could order more bottles of Crystal at £600 a pop for Paris and her champagne guzzling friends. Some party, right? The Telegraph report:

What recession? Tycoons spend £1.8 million on champagne in St Tropez
Paris Hilton watched as the rival tycoons Zhen Low and Winston Fisher competed to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal in a St Tropez nightclub.
As Joan Collins and her friends descend on St Tropez this week for a party on board Lady Joy, the yacht owned by the American socialite Denise Rich, they have been made to look positively austere.
Mandrake hears that two rival billionaires spent a staggering €2 million (£1.77 million) on champagne at Les Caves du Roy nightclub. Zhen Low, the younger brother of the Malaysian tycoon Jho Low, became involved in a competition with Winston Fisher, a New York property developer, to see who could order more £600 bottles of Cristal for their chums.
Guests included Paris Hilton, the socialite, who helped the cherubic Jho celebrate his 28th birthday with a four-day party in Las Vegas last year.

In lieu this publicity, people in Malaysia are asking where Zhen Low is getting all this money to waste on Paris Hilton. And Low's father is not happy with all this unwanted publicity back at home. He is the brother of notorious partyboy Taek Jho Low, who may or may not be an arms dealer according to press reports. Nothing like a good champagne ordering contest to spice up your vacation. Low won, with the $2.6 million bill but people back at home are questioning his lifestyle and businesses. Anyway, Zhen (or Taek) should keep in the back of his mind the fact that all the money on Earth can't cure herpes. All I see in these photos is a topless herpes spreader doing her thing. In an unrelated story: all of the jellyfish around St. Tropez have contracted herpes. Click on pictures to enlarge.


pathani wife moaning

Gaand Maro Bhabhi on Beach
Divya on bed

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