Sex video: In the west, PKR would be dethroned, says Umno NGO
Emotions ran high as a group of 23 people representing various non-gorvenmental organisations assembled at the Quality Hotel here to voice out their dissatisfaction with opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim Saturday.
Led by Gagasan Anti-Penyelewengan Selangor (GAPS) chairperson Hamidzun Khairuddin, the crowd had called for Anwar’s resignation as the Selangor state economic advisor due to allegations of him being involved in a sex scandal.
“It is unfortunate for the people of Selangor because PKR, the main party ruling this state, is a “parti berbaur seks” (sexually- inclined party). In the West, this kind of party would have been dethroned,” said Hamidzun.
Hamidzun also said that the Selangor people had the right to watch the video which have already been handed to the police for investigations.
“We want to see it because it involves the dignity of our leader,” he said.
The protest, however, lasted for only about 10 minutes, as the Quality Hotel authorities were not too happy with it.

IOO reasons Why Najib should think of quitting

The Psychometer:UMNO Has Gone Too Far This Week?

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I am just curious. Why is there so much fear of Anwar? He is just another man, flawed sometimes, inspired sometimes, a disappointment sometimes. But why is there such fear
WATCH: “You could tell UMNO was scoping out the trouble aspects of it.”
But eventually the ANWAR loses  patience with  UMNO.
Finally, the Prime Minister has spoken. But I suppose he had little choice because he had to attend the UMNO Supreme Council meeting and then meet the Prostitutes with notebooks ( I have decided not to call them journalists because they don’t have one critical ingredient of a journalist, which is seeker of truth).
Yesterday, would-be-maybe-presidential-something-something-perhaps-who-knows the Prime Minister had to face down the accusation UMNO had, in a matter of weeks, rather transparently switched positions on whether or not he supported some sort of the guys who put this tape together
It was a pretty understandable piece of NAJIB’S criticism, because, on its face, it sure looked like he just reflexively opposed whatever MAHATIR was doing at the time.
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NAJIB went on Facebook to try to jam the round peg into the square hole, and it was a mess. But he had to try, because as it turns out, NAJIB is very much opposed to presidential aspirants flipping their positions on anything.
You see Datuk Seri Najib Razak does not like to get his hands dirty. That is why he has so far stayed out of the Alkitab issue, it is too messy for him. If he supports the Christians, the Muslims will be angry. At least this is what his Umno people are telling him.
So put Idris Jala (KPI Minister ) in the forefront. Meanwhile Najib will focus on his Internet community friends and talk about 1Malaysia and scholarships. Similarly when the porn video scandal broke, the PM kept silent.
Instead of denouncing the skullduggery and stating equivocally that Umno was not involved, he stayed silent. Probably he like cautious politicians like to see how this affair was going to play out.
Anyway, last night he spoke and this is what he said: the main task ahead was to find out the authenticity of the video tape. Umno’s role in the matter is not important.
Not important! Okay, I agree that we need to find out if the tape is doctored, etc. And whether the main actor is the leader of the Opposition.
But the guys who put this tape together have broken half a dozen laws and should be charged. And if Umno’s role can be ascertained, then we can surely say that Umno’s leadership sanctioned the act.
After all, there is a report that Najib met the Datuk T gang a few days ago. So if Umno’s top leaders sanctioned this sting operation what does it say about their moral compass (sudah rosak).
But maybe we should not be surprised. Just listen to the vulgar jokes at the party assembly every year. Gutter is what they do, and do well. So sorry, Prime Minister, your first statement on the video leaves me uncomfortable. It sounds like you actually like what Datuk T did.
I am just curious. Why is there so much fear of Anwar? He is just another man, flawed sometimes, inspired sometimes, a disappointment sometimes. But why is there such fear.
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umno is poisoning the malays community without predominant and silence killing at almost extinguishing by way feeding and previledging with all sorts giving so they are just retarded back to 50 years while the other communities are progressing,challenging and globalising.The big wheel of globalisation is rolling forward to glamorousity why you malays still belief such narrow egoism and arrogance.Japanese once became top head of Peru.Mogolian once conquered and controlled almost half of the globe,Chinese had once ruled the whole region of south east asia which include malaya. obama the black is present president of world most powerful country,so if chinese malaysian are capable to manage this country,what is that a extra big due!Shouldn’t you bastard force our pm najib to get lost because he is non malay but bugis putra.should you tell the pm to please ask taib madmud of sarawak to fuk off because sarawak is iban majority,malanau(taib race)sit what percentage of total state population?go and see the chinese,malays and indians in just stone throw neigbour country singapore,how do they live their life?are chinese so scary enthnic groups.why not ask mca to leave bn,supp,gerakan ktk get fuk off as kpi minister.take back the citizenship or just ask them to leave.confiscate all these chinese assets,properties and whatnot then give to the dare to talk cock because umno is the taiko now.umno paid you to talk like this,when time is coming that umno no longer the taiko,please you talk and you are hero,idiot!
If they still want to keep the ISA, then this is the time to bring all these Perkasa buggers in for their ‘own protection’. This is as racists as it can get, so far yet nothing is being done about it. That’s because it has the implicit (or almost explicit) endorsement and encouragement and support from the Home Minister and cousin PM!
1Malaysia my azz. Cakap tak serupa bikin. And despite the dangerous rhetorics that this group of KKK is spewing, the Home Minister himself is giving them a superfast approval to publish their newsletter. May the wrath of god (whichever one you choose) be upon these people and bring them back to meet their judgement …. before they destroy our country.
The leadership of our nation is so eff-upped they can’t see that nobody wins if they continue to let the country go down this evil path.


“They will support Malays like of DSAI, Zaid Ibrahim, Tok Guru and Tengku Razaleigh in running the country with justice and fairness and without the corruption which is the alter ego of UMNO.”
Perkasa is a naJIB creation to frighten the Malays yo vote for be end, his 1failedMalaysia slogan is to please the Chinese/Indian/others to vote for be end.
HEY pee am of Malaysia if this dr.ZOO bir is not arrest for sedition and charge in your kangaroo court then the above it TRUE.
No, the Chinese don’t want to take over the country. Numerically they can’t even if they want to and it is not in their psyche. They are quite happy to pay all the taxes and have a safe place to live, work, do business, raise their families and be loyal citizens of Malaysia.
They will support Malays like of DSAI, Zaid Ibrahim, Tok Guru and Tengku Razaleigh in running the country with justice and fairness and the corruption which is the alter ego of UMNO. They will not, together with the awakened Malays, want the UMNO goons who have amassed billions at the expense of the rakyat, irrespective of race and religion.
Of course, the golden goose was the NEP which have enriched the very UMNO thieves and robbers who now shout Ketuanan Melayu. Now that the golden goose is being led to the slaughter by the new politics and globalization engulfing the country, the same thieves and robbers are conning the common Malays
with their shameless racist rhetoric. The Talibans are now surfacing in Malaysia in the manifestation of Perkasa, Remember the Buddha Statues of Bamiyan, Afghanistan ? Well the fanatical imbeciles destroyed rhem. I believe Islam is very tolerant religion , if not the most tolerant when it comes to respect of other religions.
To the Talibans at Perkasa ( with their chief patron TDM ) please note that pendatangs can only dream of ruling but we the Chinese and Indians who are born here are true Malaysians and NOT your so called pendatangs. We have a right to exist , co-exist and even rule ! Just wait for the next GE and we shall show you the tolerance when we rule and shall not deny you your rights.
TDM, Ibrahim Ali dan PERKASA jangan PERKOSA negara kita lagi!
My friend, like me I presume, has no claim to fame as activist. We are normal, working, struggling mothers of twos fighting hard to survive with dignity in a migrant situation, where even bringing up your kids also is a lonely struggle, a dependent situation on strangers, or the occasional elderly in the family, who would themselves, do better with care and company
A leader is a person who inspires, by her actions, her followers to dream and do the impossible. A leader is a person who makes extraordinary things happen. A leader is a person who is very influential and has a high degree of influencing skills. A leader is inspiring by his thoughts, his deeds, his words, his actions. A leader by definition, makes things happen and does not stand by on the side while things happen.Take any leader and you will see that this is so. If these things are not happening, then I would doubt very much if the said person is a leader.
A leader takes responsibility for the actions of the persons he supposedly leads. A leader does not say, “I don’t know”. The leader knows that the buck stops at him and takes full accountability for the same. Two examples from Indian history stand out in my mind.
Mahatma Gandhi (the original Gandhi) undertook a fast unto death after the Chauri Chaura incident. Why did he do that? It was because he felt (and this is important) he was culpable for his followers actions with resulted in the burning down of a police chowky and many deaths.
Lal Bahadur Shastri in 1956, offered his resignation after a railway accident at Mahbubnagar that led to 112 deaths. However, Nehru did not accept his resignation. Three months later, he resigned accepting moral and constitutional responsibility for a railway accident at Ariyalur in Tamil Nadu that resulted in 144 deaths. While speaking in the Parliament on the incident, the then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, stated that he was accepting the resignation because it would set an example in constitutional propriety and not because Shastri was in any way responsible for the accident. Shastri’s unprecedented gesture was greatly appreciated by the citizens.[Wiki entry, here]
Look at history and you will see that leaders rarely share credit for victories but share all the blame when anything goes wrong. And incidentally both these leaders are with the party that today heads the government.
Today the two people from this very same party who head the government - one official, one unofficial – are leaders of a different nature. One has no idea what is happening under his watch or atleast claims to have no knowledge of what is happening under his watch. He has the certificate of integrity provided by all concerned. And the person he reports to, unconstitutionally, has nothing to say, except take potshots
at the opposition. What about the billions looted? Why was your government sitting on all these scams? And these reports were out by atleast one newspaper in 2008 itse
It beats me – a government that is reportedly the “Malaysia’s judiciary and its laws are for the privileged use of our governing politicians, their cronies concessionair and co-criminals-conspirators” – its leaders should be accountable for it at the very least? Time after time the party has rewarded those who have indulged in corruption.   Today it is despite being in the limelight of the t at tax payers expense – the very same taxpayers whose money he helped spend gainfully as part of our hosting the ZIONIST APCO. NAZRI YOU HAVE NO CLASS BUT LOWEST CASTE OF THE HUMAN RACE
And people by their very nature respond to incentives. And in this government, there is no incentive to stay away from corruption – indeed it is rewarded. And loyalty, surely, seems to matter more than corruption. Indeed, it is prized over ineffectiveness as well  , if corruption is overlooked it is because the money benefited in some way. After all there is no such thing as a free lunch is there?readmore   Layers of corruption The most Unfit Prime Minister says if you let me needle you in the front I promise to needle you at your bud Take any organization – if someone reports to a superior, the superior is accountable for all actions that is undertaken by the junior. Every single one. The superior cannot hide under, “I did not know” or “I was The most Unfit Prime Minister says if let needle you in the front i promise to needle you at your bud
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Hypocrite or Fake Muslim?

Note, The Star Online got the number of pictures wrong. You can look for yourself and see more than “A photograph” was posted. By saying it was one picture, they are trying to make it sound less serious. Damn, you see mistakes were made in the first two words of the article. What else could they have gotten wrong? Do not blame the people at The Star Online, the guy writing the article might have a gun at his head whiling he was writing it. 
Nazri has lost his moral authority. At this point his is just bring more shame to his party and family. His hypocrisy and his lack of strength in the wake of these picture bring in question his manhood. Elizabeth Wong is more of a man than Nazri because at least she faced the media. Nazri is in hiding, he hide like a little girl under her sheet because of the monsters in the closet. If he is not the person in these pictures, why not just say so?
Picture 1
Picture 2
When I look at Najib, Muhyiddin, Mahathir, Ibrahim Ali – all those bombastic self-proclaimed Ketuanan Malay “leaders,” I do think of Hang Tuah! Huh! All they remind me of are Field Marshall Idi Amin Dada, Mobutu Sese Seko, Robert Mugabe and His Excellency Benito Mussolini Head of Government, Duce of Fascism, and Founder of the Empire. Yes at one time or another they were all leaders of their people, all striding to the sound of brass bands and traveling around in motorcades flanked by armed guards. Leaders they might be but they were all totally oblivious to the look of contempt and disgust from the very masses that they consider themselves to be Lord and Master over. Totally oblivious of the massive harm they have done to the country they ruled. Totally oblivious to the crumbling ruins of their government because all they see are the trappings of power and their personal needs. Never the misery of the people they rule.
not aware” or “I am honest, those who report to me are not.” As a supervisor, you are entirely accountable to what your minions do. If this is true in any random private company it is sure for those who claim to be heading nations and governments? And when your reportee has cheated the exchequer of an enormous sum of money, you are accountable for it. And you better stand up and say that – as party head and government head. Instead what we see is theatrics, conspiracy theories, lengthy articles on the integrity of the Prime Minister, a quasi leadership that is forever

Of-the-people-by-the-people-for-the-peoplean eye on Najib and links to ‘that’ murder


Malaysia Airlines’ Multi-Billion Ringgit Losses: Social Care Foundation’s Robert Phang urges the Attorney-General to explain

by Leven Woon Zheng Yang@
Attorney-general (AG) Abdul Gani Patail has been called to explain allegations implicating him for the lack of action over Malaysia Airlines’ (MAS) multi-billion ringgit losses.
robert phang clarify on anwar allegation 080410 01Social Care Foundation chairperson Robert Phang Miow Sin (left) said records and pictures from a whistleblower website of Abdul Gani together with an individual said to be close to former MAS chairperson Tajuddin Ramli have added a different dimension to the controversy.
Phang, who is also a member of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s (MACC) consultative and advisory panel, said Abdul Gani may see adverse public speculation over his connection to the issue if he ignored the allegations.
Phang was responding to the emergence of photographs on news portalMalaysia Today, showing Abdul Gani together with one Shahidan Shafie during their recent haj pilgrimage to Mecca.
Abdul Gani’s relationship with Shahidan was a close one, Malaysia Todayalleged further, as reflected in the former’s early exit from a Malaysia Day function last September to accompany Shahidan to the hospital when the latter’s child suffered an accident.
Does the Home minister suffer from a sense of denial? What is it that prohibits him from realising the seriousness of Kausikan’s comments that “Najib has his neck on the line in connection with a high-profile murder case.”I don’t get it – how can the leaders (designated and quasi) of the government with the despicable “most corrupt government ever” tag be honest? It beats me. Can someone enlighten?
Ghosts do not die. That is the power of a phantom. You can bury of the cases to the chanting of the prosecutor’s fraudulent funeral rites, but its restless spirit keeps rattling through the haunted house of the UMNO Party’s premier family. The latest rattle, in which the shocking revelations that Prime Minister Najib Razak and his wife Rosmah Mansor were involved in hatching sodomy accusations against Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim  Ghani Patail has the chance to go down in his nation’s history as either a colossal waste of a promise, or as the exorcist who rid Malaysia of the ghost of all  the ghost ., the then chief minister of Malacca, Abdul Rahim Thamby Chik, was reported to have raped a 15-year-old schoolgirl (under Malaysian law, sex with a minor constitutes statutory rape). Lim Guan Eng, currently the chief minister of Penang and the then MP for Kota Melaka, spoke out against the rape of a minor after the girl’s  .grandmother-cum-guardian, who was also Lim’s constituent, turned to him for help.
However, far from deserving justice, both Lim and the schoolgirl received their “dues”. Lim was jailed for three years for speaking up against the rape while the girl was given three years “protective custody”. As for Rahim, because of the rape and pending corruption charges, he was forced to resign, after a 12-year stint as Malacca’s chief minister.
But the judiciary saw Rahim escape punishment for a crime committed; this came about after the public prosecutor withdrew the charge citing lack of evidence. The corruption charges against Rahim were also dropped.
The travesty of justice is such that on Feb 28, 1995, Lim was thrown into jail after he was charged under the Sedition Act for prompting “disaffection with the administration of Malaysia”.
On March 17 the same year, he was slapped with another charge under the Printing Presses and Publications Act for “maliciously printing” a pamphlet containing “false information”, specifically that Lim had used the term “imprisoned victim” to describe the schoolgirl who was raped.
As a result of his trying to seek justice for the rape survivor, Lim was barred from holding public office for five years, making him ineligible to contest in the 2004 general election.
As for the underage rape survivor, she was initially detained for 10 years without parental consent. She was subsequently sentenced to three years “protective custody” in a house for “wayward girls”. During Lim’s trial, the girl gave evidence that she had sex with a minister.
With such lecherous politicians in our midst, the safety of girls and women – be they our sisters, daughters, mothers and foreign female workers – is at risk. There is no telling which politician is waiting to sexually assault the girls and women in this country. What is annoying is the fact that the crime is easily dismissed by threatening and buying the silence of the victim.
In Rais’ case, if the rape had never taken place as he claimed, then what made his domestic helper of eight years to suddenly pack her bags and leave for home in Indonesia? If he has been such a kind and generous man as his former domestic helper claimed when retracting her allegation of rape, the question of her quitting her job would not arise. There is no doubt something is amiss here, no matter how much Rais denies it.
In the case of Rahim, he was never convicted and continues to enjoy life while Lim spent three years in jail and the the rape survivor was sentenced to three years in a house for “wayward girls”. What wrong did the girl do to end up in a house for wayward girls while the perpetrator, Rahim, walked a free man? Where was justice when it was desperately needed?
The public editor of the New York Times, Arthur Brisbane, sided with readers whoexpressed outrage over a story in the paper about a brutal gang rape in Texas.
The story, which was published last Tuesday, focused on the rape of an 11-year-old girl by 18 boys and men in Cleveland, Texas. But critics excoriated the Times for, in their view, blaming the girl for the attack.
In a blog post on Friday, Brisbane said he agreed.
“My assessment is that the outrage is understandable,” he wrote. “The story dealt with a hideous crime but addressed concerns about the ruined lives of the perpetrators without acknowledging the obvious: concern for the victim.”
Brisbane pointed to the sections that drew the most ire, where residents were quoted expressing worry about the burden the men will have to carry because of their crimes, and where the girl was described as often “dressed older than her age, wearing makeup and fashions more appropriate to a woman in her 20s.”
“If indeed that is the only sentiment to be found in this community – and I find that very hard to believe – it becomes important to report on that as well by seeking out voices of professional authorities or dissenting community members who will at least address, and not ignore, the plight of the young girl involved,” Brisbane wrote.
The Times initially defended the story in a statement, saying the writer of the article, James C. McKinley, was merely reporting what he had been told. But the paper’s standards editor, Phillip Corbett, seemed to walk back that defense in an interview with Brisbane, saying that the Times “could have done more to provide more context” to stress the fact that the victim was not being blamed.
* Unwelcome sexual behaviour like physical contact


KUALA LUMPUR – The investigation papers on the distribution of the sex video involving MCA President Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek will be submitted to the Attorney-General’s Chambers soon.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said Dr Chua lodged a police report after being informed by a colleague on the distribution of envelopes containing two DVDs in several areas in Batu Pahat, Johor, which was intended to smear his image.
Following the report, police conducted an investigation and the investigation papers submitted to the Attorney-General’s Chambers, before the Attorney-General ordered for further investigation, he said in a written reply to a question by Hee Loy Sian (PKR-Petaling Jaya Selatan) in Parliament Tuesday.
Hee wanted to know the rationale Dr Chua was not charged in court.
Hishammuddin said the case was investigated under Section 292/509 of the Penal Code.
In January 2008, Dr Chua resigned from his cabinet post and as MCA vice-president after admitting that the man in the sex video was him.